
Saturday, October 17, 2009


it's been long, but finally it has come, for whoever thirst for that something.

Finally, it's Saturday, a day of rest and 3 more continuous days of holidays coming up :D. I'm so happy I got the rest now, after long time school, hehe xD. Also Deepavali is very quiet this time, not really much celebration events occur though, for what I know.

Since my brother is back at home, he will be taking up the time of using the computer over :@. So I might be facing a boring rest OAO, which I will not accept! I need freedom to use my own computer, but my brother always seems to win =.=". All I can do is watch TV, hehe nice TV, been absent in watching television for quite awhile now ;o. Seems I've been fallen back and need time to catch up recent happenings ;d.

And for another "finally", I'm trying to adapt back that mom is around again :D, after long 3 weeks of her absence, she is filling the quiet gap in the household xD. She told us about her excellent and yet reasonable trip to Europe--London, Spain and somewhere I forgotten O.o. She took many pictures too through her friend's camera, but all the pictures are of the buildings and architectural things in those places, no food, my interest ;p lol.

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