thoughts circular in our minds, making us deep sink into somewhere.
Hmm, basically I got my thinking on, there is like 4 more days to Christmas, I really can't wait, especially there is going to be turkey for dinner ;p. I love it when my aunt brings us a big sized juicy turkey, ready to be eaten xD.
I like Christmas, but sadly there is no snow in Malaysia, sucks big time I know :(. Christmas should really be celebrated with snow around the environment, you know? That's what all Christmas is mostly about >o
And, I am still thinking about the CD I asked my uncle to buy, really hope he got his hands on a copy in US, can only find in US, Malaysia is so falling back behind, zzz. I want my gaga CD like now, :O.
Ima go see my dentist tomorrow, and then evening, I'm going to fetch some friends to a friend's BBQ party who stays in a place where the traffic jam can go crazy!
I also like the song "Jump Then Fall" by Taylor Swift, very sweet song xD.